Anglais LV1

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Cours / Anglais LV1 / 2de
American Blacks  
  • 1. Summary
  • 2. Keywords
  • 3. Vocabulary

1. Summary
In the 1960s, the southern states were still very racist. In the 17th century, black people were captured in Africa and sent to America as slaves and, since that sinister period, they have been considered as second-class citizens whose rights were denied. The situation went on until the middle of the 20th century and laws against the Blacks were enacted. Those segregationist laws forbade the Blacks to vote, to attend the same schools as the Whites or to sit in the front seats on a bus. Racism was not only in people’s minds, it was part of the American legal system. The Ku Klux Klan is a xenophobic and violent secret organisation that was founded in 1866 in order to prevent the Black community becoming integrated into American society. It emerged
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