Maxicours vous propose de decouvrir un extrait de quelques cours de Anglais LV1. Pour proposer un accompagnement scolaire de qualite en Anglais LV1, toutes nos ressources pédagogiques ont été conçues spécifiquement pour Internet par des enseignants de l'Education nationale en collaboration avec notre équipe éditoriale.
- 1. Le dialogue de Tim et Lauren
- 2. Grammaire : Les pluriels
- 3. Phonologie : Le son "th"...
- 4. Vocabulaire : Les nombres
Apprendre les nombres de 1 à 100
1. Le dialogue de Tim et Lauren
Lauren- This park is really big!… How many attractions are there?
Tim- I don’t know. Maybe fifty! But there are so many people every day that you can just see ten of them.
Lauren- That lets us many things to do! Where do we go first? That wheel over there seems very funny. I want to try it!
Tim- Really? Are you sure? It goes up to thirty metres. You’ll be afraid.
Lauren - No, I won’t!
Tim- Well, I’m hungry! I want to eat something first. Hey, I’ll go and buy some sweets. I always feel better, after that….
Lauren- What a good idea! You’ll feel ill, after that, you mean!
Tim- Not at all! I can eat twenty sweets without being ill! Wheels are no problem for my stomach.
Lauren- Be back soon! I’m so impatient to have fun! Quick!
And Tim? Can you bring me a bottle of orange juice? I’m thirsty!
Tim- Aha! Who will be ill then?
2. Grammaire : Les pluriels
En anglais, pour former un nom au pluriel il suffit d'ajouter un